[2015] Taiwan Days 6-13

On the sixth day, I went to the Miniatures Museum of Taiwan. I heard it about it online so I decided to visit ^^

When I first walked in with my cousin, I thought it was kind of cool but not jaw-dropping or anything However, after continuing to walk around, it got better and by the end, I was in awe at everything. My cousin and I even went back to the beginning to look at everything again!

The exhibits weren't always tiny - sometimes there were huge exhibits but with tiny rooms and details. Here's a picture of my cousin for perspective on the smaller exhibits! A lot of exhibits were this size. It's pretty amazing to see the detail in these!

An actual tiny TV that works!

Can you see it?

After dinner, my cousins took me to Honey Creme. Its specialty is ice cream with honey, so I tried it.

The concept sounds weird but it tasted great! If I went again, I'd probably get the one where the honey and vanilla are already mixed together because I got this:

and it tasted good, but I wasn't sure how to do the correct honey/vanilla ratio so the honey left over at the end was too sweet for me to eat. Still, I loved how it tasted!

Also, I bought these three small puzzles at a train/subway station, and the other three items were from the Miniatures Museum Gift Shop ^^ This year started my puzzle craze, honestly.

On Saturday (day seven) I went to Wu Fen Pu and bought these two items:

Wu Fen Pu can be a great place to buy cheap clothing, and there's a variety of stalls/areas to buy clothes in. Here are some pros and cons (in my opinion):


  • usually cheap/affordable clothing
  • various styles of clothing
  • some food stalls where you can rest & eat


  • many stalls/areas have the same type of clothing
  • a lot of it is popular stuff in the US so you might not find it interesting
  • usually can't try on clothes before you buy
In the next few days, we visited a few cafes. The first was Aranzi Cafe!

I thought the food was good, but it didn't stand out. Of course, the most important part was how cute the food was!

A couple days later, we went to a cozy cafe. I don't know the name of this and I actually went two years ago as well. I got the same drink (hot chocolate) and enjoyed it just as much as before ^_^

A day later, we headed to Topo+ Cafe! I had high hopes for it after seeing how cool it was online. On the way there, we rode a bus with cute window stickers. It ended being the first and only cute bus I've seen in Taiwan (so far) :)

And the decorations were nice too.

My drink:

and dessert:

Topo+ Cafe was nice, but not as nice as I expected. From reviews and pictures online, it seemed that the cafe had a tiny stream running through it so people could watch the fish swim by. That is true, but most of the fish seem to gather under a flight of stairs leading up to the bathroom. The food was all right (dessert was good!).

On the thirteenth day, we visited a temple to honor my dad's mom. I never met her, but I'm sure she was a nice lady ^^

Burning offerings.

Thanks for checking out this post <3 Have a wonderful day/night!
